The Red October Railway Workshop presents

in commemoration of Lenin's 150th year and the 100th year of the Comintern

a collection of add-ons for the Railroad Tycoon III requiring the "Coast to Coast" upgrade

comprising locomotive repaints and logos mainly inspired from the epic socialist reconstruction of Eastern Europe. Some other logos destined for the Balkan Tycoon scenarios are also included.

All files are to be unpacked in the "UserExtraContent" subdirectory of the "Data" folder of the desired Railroad Tycoon III installation.

The included materials are provided free-of-charge to aid the building of socialism around the virtual world. Therefore, no responsibility is assumed for any direct or indirect consequence of their use.

It is recommended to clone your Railroad Tycoon III installation by [control]dragging and dropping it to your chosen internal or external storage device before conducting any experiments.
